What to do if Your Insurance Company Denies Your Roof Claim

Mississippi Landsource wants you to know what to do if your insurance company denies your roof claim. 

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The cost of replacing a damaged roof might be a costly nightmare. Therefore, many people rely on homeowners’ insurance to get help with such a high expense. 

However, insurance claims are not always helpful. Indeed, some people found it out the hard way. It is your responsibility to cover the costs of repairing or replacing your roof if your insurance company denies your claim. Your only hope is to refute the allegation with greater proof than you previously used.

Usually, homeowners in this situation request help from professional and qualified roofing contractors, like those at Matlock Roofing. 

What to do if Your Insurance Company Denies Your Roof Claim: The Process

The reason is that the insurance claim procedure is not usually that straightforward. Several entities who work for the insurance company will be involved in the case. So, generally, they will not be in your favor.

Thus, having a licensed roofing company on your side is a tremendous equalizer. Before submitting an insurance claim, you must do two things:

Examine your homeowner’s insurance coverage and call a qualified roofer.

A competent roof inspector like Matlock will undertake a comprehensive assessment and document any damage found. Also, they’ll estimate labor, repair, and material expenses.

And the key step comes here: 

Once you have checked your insurance policy, you know your deductible. So, if the inspector determines to give you an amount of money lower than your deductible, you should not make a claim. This will keep your premiums low. But, if the damage is beyond repair, making a claim is critical to the affordability of the roofing project. 

Your insurance provider will send an adjuster to assess the damage and provide you with a report.

Hence, calling a reputable roofing contractor first brings some critical advantages.

They can give you an estimate that you can afford. Also, you have more customizing possibilities since you pay for any upgrades. Remind that the insurance adjuster will evaluate and appraise the damage for the bare minimum necessary to keep your property safe. In this sense, Crest Exteriors works with you to provide the insurance company the evidence that your house will be safe for years to come.  

Moreover, keep in mind that once your claim is approved and you receive your first summary and check, you have a limited time to perform the required roof repairs. This is another reason to hire a professional roofing contractor before filing a claim. 

Don’t you have known whom to call when needing repairs at home? Well, when it comes to your roof, an inspection is an excellent way to verify a roofing company’s reliability before hiring them. 

Why Was Your Claim Denied?

Regrettably, insurance companies do not use to admit claims, no matter how much damage homeowners’ properties may have. The insurance adjuster may return and determine that the damage does not threaten the roof’s integrity. So, he may think that it does not worth paying for it. In many hail storms in particular like the one that went through Amite, Wilkinson, Franklin, and Lincoln Counties in 2013, many home’s roofs were denied.

They don’t comprehend that even minor damage might cause your roof to fail to protect you from the next storm. Even they may refuse your claim if the repair costs are less than or somewhat above your deductible. Besides, in most states, avoiding paying your deductible is illicit, and someone else cannot do it for you either. 

On the other hand, the insurance provider may deny your claim due to policy exclusions. Your policy may not cover or cover partially certain damages. This will depend on the policy’s terms or the state where you live. 

Generally, standard homeowner`s insurance considers wildfires and earthquakes. But, usually, this policy doesn’t include flood insurance. 

Also, insurance does not cover typical wear tear, such as when a roof has exceeded its estimated lifespan. If your roof suffered damage, they may blame its age.

Disputing a Denied Claim

If your roof claim is refused, notify your insurance carrier and request a re-inspection. So, have a trustworthy roofing provider on hand when the insurance company sends its adjuster. Crest Exteriors will be glad to represent you at this moment. After all, a new set of eyes defending your interest may spot and ensure thorough documentation of damages previously ignored. 

Do you want to dispute a claim? Submit an appeal. Additionally, ask for a resolution date since the rebuttal procedure may last a lot. If they reject your appeal, you might register a complaint or ask for the company’s higher-ups. 

Is the damage severe, and you fear for your safety? You may think the insurance company is not doing its duty. In this case, you can contact an insurance lawyer for assistance.

Take advantage of Mississippi Landsource’s decades of real estate experience. We also have vetted contractors like Matlock Roofing and Construction in Hattiesburg MS. Let Landsource get you in touch with a top-rated roofer in Hattiesburg, MS. Didn’t find what you were looking for today? Check out our sister site Texas Landsource.